Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Cute Things

P is for Pikachu!

So as my last post showed we’ve been studying letters and making a craft for each letter. We reached P and I didn’t like a lot of the other crafts out there. P is for pirate is cool but a bit lost on my Korean students. P is for Parrot, but I couldn’t  get that many feathers in time. Pig and puzzle just bore me so what could really WOW my kids… and me…P is for Pikachu

P is for PikachuPikachu! Something they all know, love, and idolize! P is for Perfect! Well I know it says Pokemon, that’s a little mistake on my part printing out Pokemon instead of Pikachu, but I didn’t want to waste anymore paper and reprint the whole thing. Besides the only words my class can read is: I, a, can, is and, you.

No tutorials for P is for Pikachu so here is how I made mine.Pikachu by Ken Sugimori
First off, for those of you that live without  Pokémon , Pikachu is a rodent like Pokémon that is the main mascot for the Pokémon franchise and also one of the main representative of Nintendo’s cast of characters.

First, you need a P. For all my letters I have been using the uppercase letters and use’s list of letter coloring pages. You can also image search P letter coloring page.

Glue this to some thin cardboard (like a cereal box) and cut out for a reusable template. I also did the same with the tail and ear. I free handed both the tail and ear so sorry for no links for those. I guess you could find a picture of Pikachu and use those as a template.

P is for Pikachu parts

I used a 1 inch hole punch for the red cheek circles and black eye circles. Just used a regular hole punch for the whites of the eyes.

Color ears and tail and add a sideways 3 for a mouth. Now you have a fun way to teach P!

Here are some of my kids and their Pikachu!

Jack's PikachuJason's PikachuRyan's Pikachu Angelina's PikachuHenry's upside-down Pikachu

Things the Kids Made

Well it’s been 5 months since my teaching contract ended at Sungbuk ECC. Even longer since my last post. I guess to wrap up my time at Sungbuk ECC here are some pictures of some of the cool crafts my lovely students made.
Since the end of my 6 month vacation is coming to an end I’ll give you some pictures from all the fun I have! We’ll call it Flashback Friday and I’ll post one for each week this month! For now, enjoy these!

For a How-to for the Truffula Trees click HERE

For the printable for the rainbows click HERE

For a How-to for the Rainbow Rain click HERE

Truffula Tree Craft from Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

Dragonflies made with paper, pipe cleaners, and foam

Hanging Rainbows

After the rain goes, RAINBOWS!

U is for umbrella

U is for umbrella

Rainy Day Classroom

My Rainy Day themed corner!

Photo Booth Photo-Strips

Found a great tutorial and template to make some photo-strips for our carnival day. You need Adobe Photoshop.

For the tutorial and template visit HERE

Here’s what I came up with:

Highlights For Kids: April 2012

Wow, fantastic baby!

Where did April go?? It’s already SO hot, summer will be here before you know it, and my second year in Seoul will come to an end.

Highlights For Kids: February 2012

Here are some of the highlights from this past month! Hope you enjoy!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day! I did, my boyfriend is very awesome. I maybe bias but he is no doubt the best boyfriend ever…. These roses were on my desk waiting for me at 9:00 this morning.

I hope your Valentine treats you awesome too, if not then punch ’em, in the FACE!

Highlights For Kids: January 2012

For Christmas, Chad got me an iPod Touch. He’s a good boyfriend! (For the record I got him an iPod Touch too.) I love the camera and different apps that enhance photos. My favorites so far have been: Vintage Camera, Diptic, and Instagram. If you have any suggest on other apps, please let me know!

Here are some of the kids doing what we do best… playing…


Highlights For Kids: December 2011

Haven’t posted since Pepero Day! Had a little photography over-load when my mom was visiting. Dusted off the trust camera and took some picture during Christmas. Here are some highlights:

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31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 30

Day 30: Hello Kitty Sushi wall towel thing I bought in Tokyo. I love this. I hung it above my bed with some Hello Kitty hand towel things that are Akiba themed.

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 28

Day 28: Took Kyle to his first cat cafe. I love cat cafes. This little guy slept in this basket the whole time. When you have cat cafes around everyday is Caturday. This cat cafe is close to my place in Donam.

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 23

Day 23: Been busy and haven’t been able to get out much. But it’s ok, stay inside, the zombies are coming! The most important thing I tell my students is to aim for the head while fending off zombies.

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 22

Day 22: It’s Caturday! Here is “KittyFace” my kitty pillow. It’s been a long day…. Good night!

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 21

Day 21: Went to the toy and stationary outlet shops in the Dongdaemun Market to buy some stickers and prizes for my students. Lots of little shop full of color. More shops are open on Saturday than Sunday. But my favorite shops are usually open on Sunday and it’s a little less crowded.

I even saw one kinder student I teach. It’s funny how a kid goes blank when they see a teacher outside of school. They forget all the English they learn and just smile or act shy even though they are the best in the class or very talkative. I guess no matter what generation or age you always think teachers live in the school and never leave…


31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 19

Day 19: I’m teaching a story/musical to the youngest classes at ECC. The story is called Scary Dino. In an attempt to teach a fun lesson, we took little dinosaur erasers and put them in play dough. Then we had little dinosaur eggs and played a counting/number game. However, some little dinos didn’t make it through the egg hatching process. This was the result.


31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 8

Day 8: I teach arts and crafts at my school. I teach 9 out of the 10 kinder classes arts and crafts. I love teaching arts and crafts and I try to add a little flair to the pre-packaged craft kits. Mostly to keep myself entertained. This week we added glitter glue to the dragonflies ya know, to fill that extra 10 minutes in class! Here are my 7 year olds’ dragonflies with a bit of artiz Photoshoppin’. I hope you enjoy it!

Candy: The Best Food Group

I love candy. It’s so pretty and colorful. And it’s pretty tasty too. Japan had some cool candy.

Here is Kompeitō a Japanese traditional candy. It taste just like rock candy on a stick. It’s a hand made candy and taste like sugar.

It was introduced to Japan by Portuguese traders in the 16th century.

Some of the special kind come in more colors this was just a little cheap bag of candy that I bought in a grocery shop.

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 1

  I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to work on some Photoshop skills and mess around with my camera and do creative… stuff. Because a kinder arts and crafts teacher needs more creative stuff in her life right… I wanted to cheat and use some pictures I just took on the Akiba trip but cheating is wrong and if I yell at my students “NO CHEATING” then I better be good too… (being good is so lame…)


Day 1 I took this around midnight or so last night so it counts… Mr. Saturn!  BOING!

OH Shoes, it’s Caturday.

So why can’t we have nice things like this in America… because sometimes America is lame that’s why. I bought two pairs of these shoes so I could have a brand new pair when I go home. That’s planning ahead. I love the cute amazing things you can buy in Korea. I’m gonna horde these awesome things and teach people about cuteness when I return. I will be a messiah of adorable!!

Sing a SONG!


Remember “Sing” when they would sing it on Sesame Street? One of my co-teachers did and showed the video to the kids in her main kinder class. Now they LOVE “sing a SONG” and they put it. So have a la lala lala lala la la lala lala lala la day!

Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty This is a charm on my purse. Korea is so cool and full of cute things.

Here is a list of Top 5 Random Things I like to waste my money on:

Candy: I don’t think it’s a waste when it’s food. Candy is food.

Hello Kitty: What better place to fuel my addiction of cute things than moving to Asia!

Pokémon: If I can’t have real Pokémon I’ll get the next best thing, toys.

Stickers: I started getting stickers for my student… but I don’t like to share…. Now I have a shoe box full of rad stickers!

Stationary Supplies: My first big purchase that started this whole obsession was buying some Milky Gel Pens in the Tokyo Airport when I was 12 or so. Here I am over a decade later still buying more pens, paper and markers than I know what to do with. At least all the highlighters are scented!!