Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Posts tagged “N Seoul Tower

Mama Letty’s Korean Adventure: Day 4

at the top of N Seoul Tower

Day 4: Namsan! My favorite place in Seoul. We went to N Seoul Tower and the Teddy Bear Museum.


N Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower at sunsetI really love this place.

N Seoul Tower is a communication and observation tower.

The tower has been a symbol of Seoul and measures 236.7 m (777 ft)

Seoul Tower or Namsan Tower was build at the peak of Namsan Mountain in 1969 the tops reaches 479.7 m (1,574 ft) above sea level. It was open to the public in 1980. In 2005 it was renovated with new high-tech multi media and reopened as N Seoul Tower.

It has restaurants, shops, an observatory and is one of the most romantic places in Seoul. Right outside the tower are fences and “trees” covered in love locks.

I get super excited every time I can see in it the city. I could go there every weekend and never get tired of it.

All the leaves are yellow

Namsan Mountain

Even on the other side of the globe the leaves change colors. Red, orange, yellow and brown cover the trees and the sidewalks.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Teddy Bear Museum!

In front of the N Seoul Tower

Teaching the history of Korea using teddy bears, best idea ever Korea!! So there is a folktale of the tiger and the bear. (I’m not fully versed in the folktale so forgive me if it’s wrong) Both the tiger and bear wished to be human, so they were giving a task to eat garlic for 21 days. The tiger gave up but the bear persisted and passed the test and was turned into a beautiful woman. That woman married the god-like Hwanung and gave birth to Dangun who founded Korea. SO it’s only natural to explain the history of Korea using TEDDY BEARS!!!

“Love Locking” OKSTATE to the top of the Big 12 South

OSU fans are riding high and even half-way around the world, Chad and I got up this morning and watch the game. Haha Texas haha. That’s what you get for being greedy and causing trouble in the Big 12. As the saying goes “karma’s a bitch.”33-16 final score. First time to beat Texas in Austin since…ever. Now I like Texas because we share a common enemy but I’m getting pretty tired of Texas winning because they’re “Texas.” That’s like Bono winning for the biggest crap just because he’s Bono. (see South Park episode)

So Chad and I went to Namsan Mountain today (I had previously gone there with my co-teachers for a “seminar day” back in October) we put a love lock on the Love Trees outside of the N Seoul Tower. There are these large metal trees that are covered in locks with messages. We picked an orange heart and wrote this message:

Love Lock on the Love Tree

I’m proud to be an OSU Cowboy, to be an alum and to share my love of OSU with the person I love the most.

Go Pokes.