Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Posts tagged “candy

Trick or Treat!

Halloween in Seoul has been more… uh… celebrated this year than last, which makes me super happy. I say that because Halloween things are more available this year and there are more costume shops and Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Donuts have been doing Halloween foods! I found the most amazing ice cream that taste like a pumpkin pie. I think Halloween is my favorite holiday, it’s all about dressing up and getting candy, two of my favorite things.

Here’s my costume this year, Chad was a  Pokémon Trainer and I was a pikachu.

At my school, we took the kids trick or treating to a couple of the kids homes and then YBM Head Quarters.

Then we played around at the school trading candy.

The afternoon was the same and it was pretty fun. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Candy: The Best Food Group

I love candy. It’s so pretty and colorful. And it’s pretty tasty too. Japan had some cool candy.

Here is Kompeitō a Japanese traditional candy. It taste just like rock candy on a stick. It’s a hand made candy and taste like sugar.

It was introduced to Japan by Portuguese traders in the 16th century.

Some of the special kind come in more colors this was just a little cheap bag of candy that I bought in a grocery shop.

Happy White Day!

White Day is observed in South Korea with the men paying back women who have given them chocolate on Valentine’s Day with candy instead of chocolate. I just like this picture. It has nothing to do with White Day except it’s white….

Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty This is a charm on my purse. Korea is so cool and full of cute things.

Here is a list of Top 5 Random Things I like to waste my money on:

Candy: I don’t think it’s a waste when it’s food. Candy is food.

Hello Kitty: What better place to fuel my addiction of cute things than moving to Asia!

Pokémon: If I can’t have real Pokémon I’ll get the next best thing, toys.

Stickers: I started getting stickers for my student… but I don’t like to share…. Now I have a shoe box full of rad stickers!

Stationary Supplies: My first big purchase that started this whole obsession was buying some Milky Gel Pens in the Tokyo Airport when I was 12 or so. Here I am over a decade later still buying more pens, paper and markers than I know what to do with. At least all the highlighters are scented!!

Happy Pepero Day!

All the Pepero from my students

Like many holidays consumed by commercialize Pepero Day is a holiday in Korea which its Seoul purpose (forgive the pun) is to give Pepero (or cookie sticks dipped in chocolate) to friends. Pepero Day 11-11 because it looks like 4 Pepero sticks. Also you give out Pepero in hopes that the recipient will grow to be tall and slender like Pepero. I got a ton from my students, one of the perks of being a teacher. Sorry kids, you hopes are in-vain because Charlet teacher will never grow to be tall like a Pepero and if I eat all this pepero I will not remain slender. Well anyway Happy Pepero Day!

And to my American friends Happy Veterans’ Day.