Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Posts tagged “kinder

P is for Pikachu!

So as my last post showed we’ve been studying letters and making a craft for each letter. We reached P and I didn’t like a lot of the other crafts out there. P is for pirate is cool but a bit lost on my Korean students. P is for Parrot, but I couldn’t  get that many feathers in time. Pig and puzzle just bore me so what could really WOW my kids… and me…P is for Pikachu

P is for PikachuPikachu! Something they all know, love, and idolize! P is for Perfect! Well I know it says Pokemon, that’s a little mistake on my part printing out Pokemon instead of Pikachu, but I didn’t want to waste anymore paper and reprint the whole thing. Besides the only words my class can read is: I, a, can, is and, you.

No tutorials for P is for Pikachu so here is how I made mine.Pikachu by Ken Sugimori
First off, for those of you that live without  Pokémon , Pikachu is a rodent like Pokémon that is the main mascot for the Pokémon franchise and also one of the main representative of Nintendo’s cast of characters.

First, you need a P. For all my letters I have been using the uppercase letters and use’s list of letter coloring pages. You can also image search P letter coloring page.

Glue this to some thin cardboard (like a cereal box) and cut out for a reusable template. I also did the same with the tail and ear. I free handed both the tail and ear so sorry for no links for those. I guess you could find a picture of Pikachu and use those as a template.

P is for Pikachu parts

I used a 1 inch hole punch for the red cheek circles and black eye circles. Just used a regular hole punch for the whites of the eyes.

Color ears and tail and add a sideways 3 for a mouth. Now you have a fun way to teach P!

Here are some of my kids and their Pikachu!

Jack's PikachuJason's PikachuRyan's Pikachu Angelina's PikachuHenry's upside-down Pikachu

Photo Booth Photo-Strips

Found a great tutorial and template to make some photo-strips for our carnival day. You need Adobe Photoshop.

For the tutorial and template visit HERE

Here’s what I came up with:

Mini-Carnival Day! +FREE Printable Signs

Had a fun day with our pre-elementary students. I was tasked to come up with some games that would be fun, but not rile the kids up too much so they could study during their second class. So I came up with some carnival games, ya know the usual: GO fish, ring toss, bean bag toss, duck-o-war, and a photo booth. Go FishRing and Bean Bag Toss

The 7 year olds had fun but it seemed lost on some of the 6 year olds. Oh well can’t please everyone. There are tons of great websites that give tips to run a carnival for schools or for birthday parties.

Martha Stewart has some great ideas HERE

Catch My Party has a long list of great examples of a circus or carnival themed party HERE

A big list of carnival games HERE

I couldn’t find signs that I like that were free, so I made my own. Here are some FREE PRINTABLES for the signs I made (for personal use only of course) ENJOY!

Here are some of the highlights of our mini carnival:

How to Sell An Education: Open Class

At my school and many other hagwons like it, we have this ‘neat little’ event called “OPEN CLASS.” From it’s name, I thought back to the days at my elementary school when Dads would come and have lunch or we’d have an evening of “Open House” and we could show our parents around the school. However, I am quickly shaken back to reality and discover that open class is no more than a little show we put on for the parents. Last year, I made the big mistake of not knowing what I was getting into, but I’m a year wiser now and knew what to do.

My co-teachers and I prepped the kids in song and dance. I worked on the best and flashiest flashcards that would WOW any kinder right off their feet! I made everything coordinate and match to satisfy my crazy need for… well… coordination! It was a sight to behold and would make any kindergarten teacher said, “OOooo” and even “Aaahh!”

One class was perfect and it was so fun, the other was… let’s just say, “too silly” and made it more difficult to finish the lesson in time.

Now maybe I can finish this cold and be well enough to enjoy Halloween!!

My Teachers

I’m the kinder arts and crafts teacher at my school. I teach all classes except one arts and crafts (that’s 9 out of 10 my co-teacher Makala teaches one class arts and crafts.) Our first project was draw your teachers. Here was my favorite one. At first I thought “wow Vicky you gave me HUGE knockers, thanks! You rock, my new favorite student!” On closer inspection and lots of thinking they are like big princess sleeves. Oh well, I still think they look like boobs and I hope you do too.


"My Teachers" by Vicky