Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Posts tagged “kids crafts

P is for Pikachu!

So as my last post showed we’ve been studying letters and making a craft for each letter. We reached P and I didn’t like a lot of the other crafts out there. P is for pirate is cool but a bit lost on my Korean students. P is for Parrot, but I couldn’t  get that many feathers in time. Pig and puzzle just bore me so what could really WOW my kids… and me…P is for Pikachu

P is for PikachuPikachu! Something they all know, love, and idolize! P is for Perfect! Well I know it says Pokemon, that’s a little mistake on my part printing out Pokemon instead of Pikachu, but I didn’t want to waste anymore paper and reprint the whole thing. Besides the only words my class can read is: I, a, can, is and, you.

No tutorials for P is for Pikachu so here is how I made mine.Pikachu by Ken Sugimori
First off, for those of you that live without  Pokémon , Pikachu is a rodent like Pokémon that is the main mascot for the Pokémon franchise and also one of the main representative of Nintendo’s cast of characters.

First, you need a P. For all my letters I have been using the uppercase letters and use’s list of letter coloring pages. You can also image search P letter coloring page.

Glue this to some thin cardboard (like a cereal box) and cut out for a reusable template. I also did the same with the tail and ear. I free handed both the tail and ear so sorry for no links for those. I guess you could find a picture of Pikachu and use those as a template.

P is for Pikachu parts

I used a 1 inch hole punch for the red cheek circles and black eye circles. Just used a regular hole punch for the whites of the eyes.

Color ears and tail and add a sideways 3 for a mouth. Now you have a fun way to teach P!

Here are some of my kids and their Pikachu!

Jack's PikachuJason's PikachuRyan's Pikachu Angelina's PikachuHenry's upside-down Pikachu

Things the Kids Made

Well it’s been 5 months since my teaching contract ended at Sungbuk ECC. Even longer since my last post. I guess to wrap up my time at Sungbuk ECC here are some pictures of some of the cool crafts my lovely students made.
Since the end of my 6 month vacation is coming to an end I’ll give you some pictures from all the fun I have! We’ll call it Flashback Friday and I’ll post one for each week this month! For now, enjoy these!

For a How-to for the Truffula Trees click HERE

For the printable for the rainbows click HERE

For a How-to for the Rainbow Rain click HERE

Truffula Tree Craft from Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

Dragonflies made with paper, pipe cleaners, and foam

Hanging Rainbows

After the rain goes, RAINBOWS!

U is for umbrella

U is for umbrella

Rainy Day Classroom

My Rainy Day themed corner!

31 Photos in 31 Days: Day 8

Day 8: I teach arts and crafts at my school. I teach 9 out of the 10 kinder classes arts and crafts. I love teaching arts and crafts and I try to add a little flair to the pre-packaged craft kits. Mostly to keep myself entertained. This week we added glitter glue to the dragonflies ya know, to fill that extra 10 minutes in class! Here are my 7 year olds’ dragonflies with a bit of artiz Photoshoppin’. I hope you enjoy it!