Photo Blog of Charlet's Post-Grad Antics

Posts tagged “photography

Photo Booth Photo-Strips

Found a great tutorial and template to make some photo-strips for our carnival day. You need Adobe Photoshop.

For the tutorial and template visit HERE

Here’s what I came up with:

Highlights For Kids: December 2011

Haven’t posted since Pepero Day! Had a little photography over-load when my mom was visiting. Dusted off the trust camera and took some picture during Christmas. Here are some highlights:

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26 Things: November 2011

This is the first time that has done a NEW 26 Things since I started doing Photo-Hunts! I’m SOOOO EXCITED! Click the picture to see the full details of the hunt! This time there are only 13 items and you have to take two different pictures of each.

Only 28 days left: let’s get started!!!

Here is the list of 13 items – remember to take 2 photos of each:

1. Dark
2. Glow
3. Smile
4. Weather
5. New
6. Round
7. Tangle
8. Up in the air
9. Patterns
10. Tomorrow
11. Eyes
12. A sign
13. A Self Portrait

A Day in the Life: October 22

A day in the life of a currently over-worked English teacher. We had a “seminar day” which my school used as a field trip day with the kinder students and their families!

7am Getting on the subway, the station is dead on a Saturday morning…

After eating some breakfast and waiting for the bus, the teachers arrived at the park that is nearby the mountain. All the fall colors came out to greet us.

Now we play the waiting game. I wandered around in the woods and found this pretty tree blanketing the trail.

The kids finally show up and they play a game with their families. They had to stack a pile of rocks as high as they can without it falling. You see little rock piles along trails in Korea when you’re hiking. They say if you add a rock to the pile and make a wish it will come true if the pile doesn’t fall; however, if the pile falls your wish and the other wishes won’t come true.

I was impressed by this rock stacking.

Mommy helps daughter count her stickers that she has won over the course of the day.

Alright teacher it’s time to go, she leads the way with her balloon.

After lunch and a long bus and subway ride, my friend Jamie and I head to the crowded streets of the toy market to find Halloween costumes.

It’s only 5pm but I’m sick and exhausted so this is the end of my day…

My wonderful boyfriend brought home some sandwiches for dinner and after a cup of Theraflu, I try to reclaim the sleep that was taken from me. Goodnight.

A Day in the Life

Hey everyone! has a new project coming up: A Day in the Life. If you want to play click here to learn more!

And just for you here is a random picture of me in a Hanbok with a silly student we called “Dan the Man”